RI RPCV Meeting - March 20, 2007

Indian Club, East Greenwich, RI


● Virginia Paine accepted to be the Group Leader
● Reaffiliation – Katie will get additional information on this and we will decide how to proceed. It is important for a few reasons, including easing the process to get membership rebates, and to be able to get mailing lists of the other RPCV associations

Fundraising & Community Service

● Peace Tags – This was initiated last year and many RI RPCVs bought them. The group felt that it is time to go National, using the Wisconsin Calendar as a model for raising additional funds. The current cost is $5 for one side and $7.50 for two side printed. Some ideas for marketing include: NPCA on-line newsletter, World View classified add or a postcard to Returned Peace Corps Association members. Jane and Katie volunteered to work on a postcard.
● Calendars – Last year we sold 75 calendars and made profit of $318, which was used for donations. We are looking for a volunteer to organize this year calendar sales.
● Thanks to all of you, we sent 22 bags of clothing to Kazakhstan with the new Peace Corps Director, via Newport. Thanks to Katie and Jane for organizing!

Financial Report – Barbara Fontaine

● Currently there is $900 in the treasury. Last year, there was $318 income from calendars and $172.50 from local membership dues.
● Donations made: A total of $1200 was distributed to 2006 Donations:

o The Library in Namibia (established in memory of Kyrstin Scharninghausen a fellow RIPCV who died during her service in Namibia).
o Nikki Classroom Construction Project in Benin (this is a project by a current PCV-Amanda Fogle-DonMoyer who is trying to raise funds to help build a much classroom expansion in Benin).
o Nettie and the Malawi Children’s Village (RIRPCV Jennie Crooks has been involved in helping Nettie and the Childrens Village)
o The Kryvoy Rog English and Environmental Resource Center (established by RIRPCV Jenifer Moskalenko, the center needs funds to update the resource center which is used by teachers and students from all the schools/universities in the city of Kryvoy Rog.
o RI Red Cross

Other news

April 14 – IIRI Carnival at the Rhodes on the Pawtuxet. RIRPCV will reserve two tables

27-30 June - Tall ships in Newport. They are looking for volunteers – Contact Barbara Fontaine 401-789-1665